Who We Help

Sleep Labs and HST Providers

Streamline your titration process, reduce waste, and ensure rapid therapeutic deployment.

Patient experience, right from the beginning, is critical for successful treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Integrating sovaSage TherapistAssistTM into your diagnostic processes ensures that the patient gets the best possible mask for each step of the process and significantly shortens the time to therapy.

Reduce mask failure rates by 4x, resulting in labor savings, reduced waste and better patient experience.


AI-based mask selection and fitting tool

Patient Experience

Selecting the most effective and most comfortable mask for a patient titration significantly increases the chances that they will be compliant to PAP therapy going forward.

Process Efficiencies

TherapistAssistTM collects all of the information necessary to select (& fit) the optimal mask up front, and allows the Sleep Technician to focus on the patient and the diagnostic process, saving time and money.

Superior Outcomes

As with anything in life, the first experience is the most important for a new PAP patient. Eliminating bad experiences caused by mask failures and increasing patient confidence in the process significantly increases the probability of successful therapy.

Select the best mask, the first time, and improve patient experience forever.

Join our webinar

Initial compliance is important and JeanieTM is the tool to help your patients get there. But what happens after the initial 90-day compliance period?

Join William Kaigler, Caryn Plessinger, and Andrea Hansen, on Thursday, February 8th at 2:00pm EST to find out how JeanieTM can dramatically increase patient adherence, reduce waste in CPAP mask-fitting, increase your staff’s productivity, and boost patient profitability like never before!

Fill out the form below to reserve your spot.